“Diversity is a fact.
Inclusion is a practice.
Equity is the goal.”
-Tonya Mosley
Members of our community have been left out of County plans based on where they live. Inclusive diversity welcomes and hears from all people, regardless of their education, zip code, or personal relationships with policy-makers.
Diversity means that we seek thoughts from everyone, including and especially people with whom we may not be sure we agree. We can do this by attending neighborhood meetings and listening to people when planning for new County developments funded by taxpayers.
Inclusion means that we listen to all people on matters important to them, not just our neighbors whose numbers are in our phones. We can do this by considering everyone who applies to for County Boards and Commissions instead of rejecting people we do not know. Equity is the byproduct.
To ensure that Greenville County becomes a more equitable environment for all, it is essential that the “Anti-Bias Ordinance” be enacted. The ordinance states that no one can be discriminated against because of personal characteristics including ethnicity, national origin, color, religion, sexual orientation, gender and gender identity, and/or physical or mental disability.
If all people are welcome customers in our stores, our businesses thrive. It is fiscally responsible to ensure that our businesses and communities are open and inviting to all people.
Making sure our laws are inclusive and thoughtful for all Greenvillians is an important part of inclusive diversity. Equal enforcement of those laws is the other.
We have the opportunity to support all County employees and invest in ongoing unconscious bias training. How we lead in Greenville County will set the tone for our state. By providing consistent options for growth and learning, we will ensure a truly inclusive, fiscally responsible, and equitable community. We are a stronger County when we are inclusive.
Let’s bring ALL people together. Let's get things done for EVERYONE.